





Every moment spent with you is a treasure that I hold close to my heart, for it is in your~~你好,要不要转发类似的句子?以下内容是每日心情说说编辑特地整理的“爱情宣言英文短句收藏”,相信会对你有所帮助!

1、As long as we're together, every storm becomes a gentle breeze, and every obstacle can be overcome with the power of love. 只要我们在一起,每一场风暴都会变成一阵温柔的微风,每一个障碍都能被爱的力量克服。

2、Through the highs and lows, the ups and downs, I promise to stand by your side, unwavering in my love for you. You are my proclamation of everlasting love.

3、Love is not meant to be easy, but it is worth fighting for. It is through the challenges and obstacles that our love grows stronger and more resilient. 爱情并不是一帆风顺的,但它值得我们去争取。正是通过挑战和困难,我们的爱才会变得更坚定和更有韧性。

4、With you, every day feels like a beautiful love story waiting to be written. You are the protagonist of my heart, and I declare my love for you with every beat.

5、From the moment I met you, I knew that my heart had found its home in yours. I promise to love you fiercely and unconditionally, today and every day of our lives.

6、With you, my heart feels at peace, and every moment spent together becomes a precious memory. 有了你,我的心感到宁静,每一刻在一起都成为了宝贵的回忆。

7、Just as the moon embraces the night sky, I embrace you with all my heart. You are my love manifesto, written in the stars for the world to see.

8、In a world full of chaos, you are my calm. In a sea of uncertainty, you are my anchor. With you, I have found my home. 在一个充满混乱的世界中,你是我的宁静。在一个充满不确定性的海洋中,你是我的锚。有了你,我找到了家的感觉。

9、In your eyes, I see an endless world of possibilities, where dreams come true and love knows no bounds. 在你的眼中,我看到了一个无尽的可能性世界,那里梦想成真,爱没有界限。

10、Love is like a flame that burns eternal, warming our hearts and illuminating our path, guiding us towards a brighter future together. 爱情如同燃烧永恒的火焰,温暖我们的心灵,照亮我们的道路,引领我们走向更加光明的未来。

11、My love for you transcends language barriers, cultural differences, and spans across oceans. You are my forever declaration of love.

12、In a world where chaos reigns, you are my calm and my sanctuary. My love for you is a declaration of finding solace in the midst of life's storms.

13、Your love is the melody that fills my heart with joy and serenades my soul. I declare my love for you in every sweet note and every tender touch.

14、Like a river that flows endlessly, my love for you knows no bounds. With every sunrise and sunset, I declare my love for you, a love that knows no limits.

15、In your presence, time stands still. Every moment spent with you is a declaration of my eternal devotion and affection.

16、Love is not about finding the perfect person, but about seeing an imperfect person perfectly. 爱不是寻找完美的人,而是看待一个不完美的人时会变得完美。

17、Love is not just about the words said, but about the actions taken to make the other person feel valued and cherished. 爱情不仅仅是说出口的话语,更体现在为对方付出的行动,让对方感到被珍惜和重视。

18、Love is a language that needs no translation, as it speaks straight from the heart. 爱情是一种无需翻译的语言,因为它直接从心灵发出。

19、Through the winds of change and the passage of time, my love for you remains constant, unwavering, and resolute. You are my forever love letter.

20、Every moment spent with you is a treasure that I hold close to my heart, for it is in your presence that I find true happiness. 与你在一起的每一刻都是我珍藏在心中的宝藏,因为只有在你的身边我才能找到真正的幸福。

